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Understanding The New European Cholesterol Guidelines in Under 5 Minutes: Lipoprotein(a) for All
The most exciting meeting for American cardiologists in 2019 may well be one that took place in Paris, France just a few weeks ago. The buzz over new studies and 5 new guidelines from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) was worldwide and made many media headlines. The guideline on cholesterol disorders, known as dyslipidemia, was of particular note as it reinforced the concept that LDL cholesterol causes vascular disease and illness and urged levels of cholesterol control unique to clinical practice. What were these recommendations?
Overview of Significant New Changes: Color Coded
The ESC guidelines made it plain and simple with an overview that was color coded of the biggest changes from the prior guidelines. One important change was the recommendation to consider obtaining a Lp(a) measurement at least once in all adults to identify high risk persons.
The Role of Vascular Imaging to Determine Risk
Although suggested over a decade ago by the SHAPE society, the new ESC guidelines emphasized obtaining a coronary artery calcium CT scan and/or a carotid or femoral ultrasound study to determine risk status.